A list of mathematical symbols with their JavaScript equivalent.

Symbol Name Since Example JavaScript  
Horizontal bar for division ~1300 a / b a / b  
+ Plus sign 1360 a + b a + b  
- Minus sign 1489 a - b a - b  
Radical symbol 1525 √x Math.sqrt(x)  
(…) Parentheses 1544 (a + b) (a + b)  
= Equals 1557 a = b a == b (equality), a = b (assignment)  
. Decimal separator 1593 1.75 1.75  
× Multiplication sign 1618 a × b a * b  
± Plus–minus sign 1628 a ± 2 [a - 2, a + 2]  
ⁿ√ Radical symbol for nth root 1629 ⁿ√a Math.pow(a, 1/n)  
< Strict inequality less-than 1631 a < b a < b  
> Strict inequality greater-than 1631 a > b a > b  
Superscript notation 1636 a ** y  
x Use of the letter x for an independent variable or unknown value 1637 x let x = 0  
% Percent sign 1650 n% n / 100  
Infinity sign 1655 Infinity  
÷ Division sign 1659 a ÷ b a / b  
Unstrict inequality less-than 1670 a ≤ b a <= b  
Unstrict inequality greater-than 1670 a ≥ b a >= b  
d Differential sign 1675 dy/dx m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)  
Integral sign 1675 ∫ f(x) dx Numerical integration using a loop  
: Colon for division 1684 a:b a / b  
· Middle dot for multiplication 1698 a · b a * b  
Division slash 1718 a⁄b a / b  
Inequality sign unknown a ≠ b a != b  
x’ Prime symbol for derivative 1748 f’(x) // TODO  
Σ Summation symbol 1755 Σ i for loop summation  
Proportionality sign 1768 a ∝ b x/y == a/b  
Partial differential sign 1770 ∂f/∂x // TODO  
Identity sign 1801 a ≡ b a === b  
[x] Integral part (floor) 1808 [x] Math.floor(x)  
! Factorial 1808 n! Recursive factorial function  
Π Product symbol 1812 Π x for loop product  
Set subset of 1817 a ⊂ b Set.isSubsetOf  
Set superset of 1817 a ⊃ b Set.isSupersetOf  
|x| Absolute value notation 1841 |x| Math.abs(x)  
‖x‖ Matrix notation 1843 ‖x‖ // TODO  
Intersection 1888 a ∩ b Set.intersection  
Union 1888 a ∪ b Set.union  
Membership sign 1894 a ∈ b Set.has  
{…} Curly brackets for set notation 1895 {x, y, z} new Set([x, y, z])  
Existential quantifier (there exists) 1897 ∃x, f(x) Array.some  
Dot product 1902 a ⋅ b Dot product loop  
× Cross product 1902 a × b Cross product calculation  
Logical disjunction (OR) 1906 a ∨ b a b
(…) Matrix round bracket notation 1909 (a, b) [[a, b], [x, y]]  
[…] Matrix square bracket notation 1909 [a, b] [[a, b], [x, y]]  
Universal quantifier (for all) 1935 ∀x, f(x) Array.every  
Empty set 1939 new Set()  
⌊x⌋ Floor function 1962 ⌊x⌋ Math.floor(x)  
⌈x⌉ Ceiling function 1962 ⌈x⌉ Math.ceil(x)